They said this was the dive boat, but I don't see any tanks...
dave beedle
How does a native Illinois boy learn to Scuba dive? Urged to take diving by diver friends and always curious about interesting things and gadgets, Dave took his Open Water course with MDS in 1988. After working through his Dive Master certification and assisting with numerous classes, all with MDS, Dave became a PADI instructor in August of 2003. Along the way, he has also picked up some skills in equipment repair and serves as one of the shop’s regulator technicians. Diving has taken me all over the world and shown me many amazing things!
Diving Timeline
- 1988 - PADI Open Water
- 1989 - PADI Advanced Open Water
- 1991 - PADI Rescue Diver
- 1994 - PADI Divemaster
- 2003 - PADI Open Water Instructor
- 2004 - PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer
Favorite Dive Destination
Isle Royale, Lake Superior
Fun Facts
- Disney Fan
- Grad of Illinois State University in Computer Science