PADI Project Aware Coral Reef Conservation Specialty Course
Through classroom discussions, you learn:
* How coral reefs function and the complex nature of life on a reef.
* Why coral reefs are so important.
* Why many coral reefs are in serious trouble.
* What you can do to prevent further decline.
* How Project AWARE unites divers and water enthusiasts to make a difference.
* Any age, no dives

PADI Project Aware Fish Identification Specialty Course
During two scuba dives, you’ll learn:
* How to identify characteristics of local fish families and species.
* Fish survey techniques and strategies.
* About Project AWARE activities that can help protect aquatic life
* At least age 10
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Two open water dives

PADI Boat Diver Specialty course
The PADI Boat Diver course will expand your knowledge about boats from small inflatables to large liveaboards. You’ll gain experience scuba diving by completing two dives from a boat in your local area and learn:
* Boat terminology.
* Boat diving procedures and etiquette, including how to enter and exit, and where to stow your gear.
* Boating safety, including how to locate safety equipment.
* At least 10 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* 2 open water dives
PADI Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB) Course
During two dives, learn the proper techniques and protocols for using surface marker buoys and delayed surface marker buoys (DSMBs) in the local area.
* At least 10 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Two dives in open water

PADI Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) Specialty Course
You’ll make two dives and learn about:
* Maintaining your DPV.
* How to plan dives, including procedures for staying with your buddy.
* DPV-handling skills, such as making proper descents and ascents.
* Potential problems and ways to deal with them.
* At least 12 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Two open water dives

PADI Deep Diver Specialty Course
During four deep dives with your instructor, you’ll go over:
* Specialized deep diving equipment.
* Deep dive planning, buddy contact procedures and buoyancy control.
* Managing your gas supply, dealing with gas narcosis and safety considerations.
* At least 15 years old
* At least PADI Adventure Diver
* Four open water dives over two days
Dive Against Debris Distinctive Specialty Course
You’ve seen it first-hand. Marine debris is not only unsightly, it’s dangerous to sea life, hazardous to human health, and costly to our economies.
You understand the devastating impact that trash has on our ocean environments, but this course helps you learn the important role that scuba divers play in preventing, removing and reporting debris found underwater. Take action and become a part of a growing movement of debris activists across the globe.
* At least 12 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* One dive in open water

PADI Drift Diver Specialty Course
Along with drift diving techniques and procedures, you’ll:
* Receive an introduction to drift diving equipment – floats, lines and reels.
* Get an overview of aquatic currents – causes and effects.
* Practice with buoyancy control, navigation and communication during two drift dives.
* Learn techniques for staying close to a buddy or together as a group as you float with the current.
* At least 12 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Two open water dives

PADI Dry Suit Diver Specialty Course
During two dives, in addition to a confined water dive, you’ll practice:
* Putting on and taking off your dry suit with minimal assistance.
* Mastering buoyancy control using your dry suit.
* Dive safety procedures when using a dry suit.
* At least 10 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* One pool session & 2 open water dives

PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Specialty Course
You’ll learn about:
* Dive injuries, different types of emergency oxygen equipment and safety considerations when using oxygen.
Then you’ll practice:
* Assembling and disassembling emergency oxygen equipment.
* Deploying a non-rebreather mask and a demand inhalator valve on a breathing diver.
* Using a pocket mask on a nonbreathing diver.
* Any age, no diver certification required
* Practical session at MDS, no dives

PADI Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty Course
During a practical session, and two optional scuba dives, you’ll:
* Discuss managing oxygen exposure.
* Practice analyzing oxygen content in your scuba tank.
* Set your dive computer for diving with enriched air nitrox.
* At least 12 years old
* At least (Junior) open water diver
* Practical session at MDS, dives not required

PADI Equipment Specialist Specialty Course
You'll learn about routine care and maintenance procedures as well as SCUBA equipment storage. Your instructor will also show you how to overcome some common equipment problems and offer equipment configuration suggestions.
Available as either classroom or eLearning.
* At least 10 years old
* No diving certification required

PADI Full Face Mask Specialty Course
You will participate in an academic session to learn the features of full face masks, gain familiarity with the system in the pool, and finish by demonstrating skills in the open water.
* At least 15 years old
* At least Open Water Diver
* Two dives in open water, one pool session

PADI Ice Diver Specialty Course
Teamwork is essential for ice diving, so you’ll start by learning the roles and responsibilities of support personnel, tenders and safety divers. You also discuss types of ice, site selection and prepartion, the effects of cold, emergency procedures and handling equipment issues. During three closely supervised ice dives, you’ll practice:
* Using specialized ice diving equipment and safety lines.
* Signals and communications along with line tending and line-securing techniques.
* Handling problems and safety diver procedures.
* At least 18 years old
* At least Advanced Open Water Diver
* Three open water dives

PADI Night Diver Specialty Course
During three night dives, you’ll practice:
* Light handling and communication techniques.
* Entering, exiting and navigating in the dark.
* Identifying how plants and animals differ or change behavior at night.
* At least 12 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Three night dives in open water

PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course
During two scuba dives, you’ll learn how to:
* Determine the exact weight you need, so you’re not too light or too heavy.
* Trim your weight system and scuba gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water.
* Streamline to save energy, use air more efficiently and move more smoothly through the water.
* Hover effortlessly in any position – vertical or horizontal.
* At least 10 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Two dives in open water

PADI Public Safety Diver
You’ll be introduced to the special procedures, equipment, scene handling, communications and documentation requirements for a public safety diving operation. During four open water dives you’ll practice compass navigation, knot tying, arc search techniques, victim recovery, rope-pull communications and rescue techniques for a distressed public safety diver, plus plenty more.
* At least 18 years old
* At least Advanced Open Water Diver
* Four open water dives over two days

PADI Search and Recovery Specialty Course
During four scuba dives you’ll practice:
* Swimming search patterns using your compass and natural navigation.
* Locating large and small objects using various search patterns.
* Using a lift bag for large or heavy objects, plus other recovery methods.
* Planning a search operation based on facts gathered about a lost object prior to the dive.
* At least 12 years old
* At least (Junior) Advanced Open Water Diver
* Four dives in open water over two days

PADI Self Reliant Diver Distinctive Specialty Course
For the diver considering branching out to TEC diving, or simply wants to learn the discipline required to dive alone, PADI's Self Reliant Diver course teaches the fundamenals:
* Redundant systems for effective self rescue
* Understanding SAC (surface air consumption) and using SAV to project air usage at depth;
* Develop skills for self-reliance and independence, while becoming a stronger partner in a dive pair or team
* At least 18 years old
* At least Advanced Open Water Diver
* 100 logged dives
* Three dives in open water

PADI Sidemount Diver Specialty Course
during one confined water and three open water scuba dives you’ll learn how to:
* Properly assemble and configure sidemount scuba diving equipment.
* Trim your weight system and sidemount gear so you’re perfectly balanced in the water.
* Manage gas by switching second stages as planned, if wearing two cylinders.
* Respond correctly to potential problems when sidemount diving.
* At least 15 years old
* At least Open Water Diver
* Three dives in open water

PADI Shark Conservation Diver Distinctive Specialty Course
Sharks are crucial to marine ecosystems, yet sharks are in a global decline. Learn about the value of sharks and what is causing the rapid loss of shark populations. Over two dives you will look for sharks, record data on location and type, and other data.
* At least 12 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Two dives in open water

PADI Underwater Naturalist Specialty Course
Through class discussions and on two scuba dives, you’ll learn:
* Key differences between the terrestrial and aquatic worlds.
* Major aquatic life groupings, interactions and information that dispels myths.
* Responsible interactions with aquatic life.
* At least 10 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Two dives in open water

PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty Course
During three scuba dives, you’ll practice:
* Methods to estimate distance underwater.
* Compass navigation while making at least five turns.
* Marking or relocating a submerged object or position from the surface.
* Underwater map making.
* At least 10 years old
* At least (Junior) Open Water Diver
* Three dives in open water

PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course
During four dives you’ll learn:
* Safety considerations for navigating and exploring wrecks.
* Surveying and mapping a wreck.
* Using penetration lines and reels to guide exploration.
* Techniques to avoid kicking up silt or disturbing the wreck and its inhabitants.
* At least 15 years old
* At least Adventure Diver
* Four dives in open water over two days