The Road to Master Scuba Diver.

You're already certified, and love to dive. What's next?

It's time to show the world what you already know - YOU have what it takes to achieve the highest recreational certification in the PADI system:


What does it take?



5 Specialties

A Master Scuba Diver has at least five specialties. Which five will you get?

See The Specialties 

50 Dives

A Master Scuba Diver has at least 50 open water dives. The best way to get them? Take specialty courses, go on dive weekends, or take a dive trip!


Send us a note today and we'll help you customize a plan to help YOU reach your Master Scuba Goal!


And it's not always about the tropics, especially here in Illinois! Here's a great cold water diving Master Scuba Diver story.